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evolution_1ne said:
yo_john117 said:
evolution_1ne said:
yo_john117 said:
evolution_1ne said:
yo_john117 said:

no they don't have an agenda, they're just fucking retarded

"Gran Turismo 5 simply isn't fun. It is too bogged down by precision and realism for the average gamer to embrace"

and I pity anyone who calls themselves fans of racing sims that trust anything these morons have to say

Finally a totally unbiased person to speak the truth

because what I posted was totally made up.....

 here's another

"Gran Turismo 5 is a 10/10 simulator wrapped up in a 5/10 game" lets's play a game of which moron reviewer said that dumb shit

yeah how dare PD make JUST a racing sim......

I know those are quotes from reviews but what you have to take into consideration is when reviewing a game you review the whole entire package not just part of it.

As of right now Forza 4 is a superior racing game than GT5..Every review that i've seen has said that. Sure GT5 may do some things better but as a whole F4 looks to be a step up.

And to be clear I believe GT5 may have slightly better simulation aspects but I am saving my final judgement for when Inside Sim Racer does a comparison between the two and you should too.

to repeat myself:

yeah how dare PD make JUST a racing simulator

To repeat myself. You review a game based on EVERYTHING it contains not pieces of it just so you can appease angry fans.