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Another innovative and thought provoking thread for you Spurgeonryan. To be honest there are a lot of holidays I don't celebrate living in a multicultural country I am surrounded by holidays.

Of the holidays I celebrate what are my favorites and what are my least favorites.

My least favorites that I actually celebrate would be (Worst to least disliked)

#1.Valentines day, Do I really need to explain I have never dated a girl. Valentines day is a reminder each year that everyone has someone but me pretty much. How depressing, all my friends talk about their amazing times with their wives and girl friends but I have absolutely nobody who actually loves me. Other then family of course. I used to have close female friends which at least called me up and often hung out with me on Valentines. However those girls are all married or engaged and I am left alone with my thoughts!

#2.Halloween (Honestly I used to enjoy the holiday as a kid going tricker treating before going to my church for the Harvest Festival where fire works and more candy was given out.) But since I have become an adult the holiday has lost all special qualities annoying tricker treaters, I don;t tricker treat anymore obviously. Harvest Festival is a service that my church put on for families and children but it isn't really something a single adult male would go to. Friends go to parties and get hammered but I don't drink. In the end my favorite part of Halloween is going to Walmart the proceeding day and purchasing cheap discounted candy/chocolate.

That concludes the list of holidays I celebrate but dislike. Of course in the interest of not turning my post into a four page essay I will list my top five holidays only. Though I love almost all other holidays I celebrate. (My favorite to least favorite of my favorites)

#1. Boxing day and Black Friday. I bundle these two into one holiday even though they are at two different times. Fact is Boxing Day is Canada's Black Friday the day each year where retailers put on insane sales and generally go into the black. The Black Friday holiday in the US is essentially the exact same holiday but celebrated on a different date. Like Thanksgiving as a perfect example.

#2. Christmas, I know considering I'm Christian Christmas should be my favorite. But it isn't showing my love for material things and spending large amounts of money I do not have. I don't just celebrate Christmas on Dec 25th I celebrate almost all month. I host an annual Christmas party for all my friends around the 15th. I then attend church functions and celebrations on almost a daily basis leading up to December 24th when I go to my mom's family for Christmas Eve. Christmas Day I spend with my dad's family and sometimes the day after Boxing day I go to my mom's husbands family for their Christmas.

#3. Easter, a no brainer second choice is Easter. Do its symbolism to my faith it is very important to me. I kick start celebrations on Good Friday attending church functions each day until Easter. Then on Easter my mom's family gets together and celebrates it. It too was more important as a kid, all the chocolate and easter egg hunts.

#4. Canada Day, the day of the year I am the proudest. It might not be the day I enjoy the most but it is the day I am proudest. On Canada day do not diss Canada or I will rip your head off. I spend the day going to parades, picnic's speeches by the mayor and sometimes go into Vancouver to hear the Premier. listen to the Prime Ministers annual address. I look forward to the day all year and it is my chance to go around and show my pride, often get a temporary Canada Flag tattoo on my face or arm, eat Maple Cake and Butter Tarts.

#5. Rememberance day, its a close tie for fifth with Thanksgiving. But Rememberance day is a sad day which while I don't particularily enjoy it. It it a somber day which I look forward to and participate more in then I do Thanksgiving. The time of silence, the Prime Ministers annual address. The countless documentaries on television and tributes to those brave soldiers who gave their lives for my country and my freedoms. I'd say this is my second proudest day of the year to Canada day. I am so proud of the sacrafices the men and women in uniform made for me and my country.

I of course celebrate tons of other holidays like diwali and Hanukka (Abit) as well as Ramidan (As much as a non-muslim does), Thanksgiving , Independance day (Have American family). So many holidays but I've rambled on way too long already!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer