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Umh I don't really see what the fuss is about graphics here, well besides the handling of console limitations.

The only thing of note is the variety of the animations, that's a level of customization to the events that is rather rare, even if many sequences feel scripted (like the fall of the dune or the fall from the roof or the falling wall in the castle), the fights do seems to have a pleasant variety and you can really see that this game will be a very comfortable ride for the player. There are still a bit of areas they could improve (nate limps but can jump 3 feet high without problems? that's because they didn't do an animation for that), but that's probably not woth the effort or computing resources ^^. In all this surely takes the spot of my most wanted PS3 game in the stead of U2 (and it sucks cause my policy is 3 games that I want to buy a console... price needs to go down soon, i'm well at 5).

Wasn't this one supposed to be in 3D too?