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You know it's true. There are so many possibilities left with Wii/DS that are going unanswered that Nintendo probably could have (and should have) continued to focus on them instead of 3DS/Wii-U.

@sethnintendo - Y'know, I have NPC Mario Tennis, but like many in my collection, I haven't really played it (I just like having a collection!)  From the little I played, the controls work well enough but I can't say it enhanced the gameplay any.  Probably did introduce it to a new audience though.

Re: NPC Pikmin - Did spend some time with that.  Not a lover of Pikmin or RTS in general but absolutely, the IR controls definitely suits that title and it feels like it was designed for Wii all along.

NPC Donkey Kong was also great bringing a great game to a larger audience to enjoy without the need for bongos but still giving the same tactile feel of the bongos.