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You made a lot of excuses, but you made no real argument. You can shift the blame to Electronic Arts if you like, but I know
for a fact that Betas can be done on consoles, and they can be done well. You can have a reasonable level of polish, and you can get something accomplished. Others have managed to do this in the past. The reality is this a late stage Beta should have a great deal of polish, and it should be a good tool for balance testing. This was simply neither, and it shouldn't matter whether the build is two weeks old or three months old.

This rush to launch the game is obviously coming at the expense of quality, and that kind of thinking is why players were given a grotesque Beta. One that was neither polished, or a fundamentally good tool for testing. Your argument for some strange sense of entitlement ignores a fundamental truth. The deadlines are self imposed, and entirely arbitrary. They aren't being forced into releasing a game at a time they do not want. They are the ones who decided upon their own time table. So they have all the time in the world to do it right.

I do not need to read twitter to know when something is wrong. They can belly ache about how hard their jobs are, and you know what that isn't my damned problem. I am not going to feel sorry for them. They decided to have a shitty public Beta, and you cannot argue that they shouldn't be judged on the merit of what they showed. Why should anyone expect greatness from a game when the Beta a month prior to launch was incredibly bug ridden, and had glaring omissions.

This should have been a positive and productive experience. Instead it was exactly the opposite, and nobody was forced into doing this. They did this to themselves, and in doing so created a stigma among players. If they do not like that then they can delay the game, and run a better public Beta to show that they are in fact serious about producing a quality game.