Seece said: Yup, this, Nintendo have a small dedicated userbase of probably under 20 million (at least for consoles) unless Nintendo came up with a console that hit it off like Wii again could they sustain generation after generation with a 20 mill userbase? |
Oh dear...
There is no proof of that stament, that is just you basing on the Wii's late performance, of course, Wii sold on hype and motion controls, but stating Nintendo's loyal fanbase isn't as big as Sony or MS is just a wishful guess.
In the end anyway, loyal fanbase aren't always the ultimate factor.
Nintendo's fanbase didn't mind moving to the PS1.
Sony's fanbase didn't mind moving to the Wii.
Nitendo's fanbase won't mind moving on if WiiU doesn't have what they wish. Or staying, if they get a great product.
It is ok not liking Nintendo, but saying the solid fanbase isn't as big as Sony's or MS's is just pathetic, a poster of your status should know better.