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8MP Camera. - Existed on many phones for a year now... tho potentially faster than other phones and maybe better quality than some or most.
Voice control. - Existed in Android for years now... though I'll admit it looks more intuitive... however still can do anything on my phone as was done in that demo.
HSPA+ network - Existed in many other phones for a year now.
Dual core processor - Existed in a few other phones throughout this year.. really a standard going forward. Also comes with same hit to battery as other dual core phones.

So, basically 4S is just a catch-up device to other existing Android phones.

However, its still a preference based choice between the various OSs. With iOS you get apps sooner and typically first. With iOS you get better updates to the OS. With Android you get best selection and versatility. With Android you get best pricing options for latest phones. With Android you get latest features or hardware first (at least for the last couple years and foreseeable future). With Android you can get LTE now (only real 4G). With Android you can get larger screens. With BB you can get ... well ... idk. Nothing unique really unless it pertains to your companies back-end systems. Hell, even BB Messenger is launching on Android. With WM7 you can get better integration with Live.

Otherwise all offer you similar yet different UI experiences. However, Android is the only one that when using various apps, you can actually have any UI you want.

I can't wait for next week on the 11th. New Nexus phone will be detailed. NFC, Google Wallet, etc...

Though I have to say, Siri was awesome and I hope Google's Voice integration follows that path and improves on it.