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Punisher said:

Continuing from last post. I sended e-mail to the NoE. Here are the main points:

"Topic: About Super Paper Mario, Trauma Center, Metroid Prime and Super Smash Bros Brawl

Is any of these games heading to the Europe/Pal regions during 2007 ?
Me included people have been waiting Trauma Center to be published in Europe/Pal regions since Christmas.
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption already have U.S. release date and no word for European/Pal release in 2007.
Still waiting for Super Paper Mario like everybody else in Europe/Pal regions.
And Super Smash Bros Brawl is not gonna get released in Europe/Pal regions in 2007 ?
In there is mention for 2007 release in every other page than European pages.
That we won't get games in Europe like Japan and U.S. is making people to import their consoles and some even mod them to play Ntsc-versions of the games because they can get them about ½ year or even earlier compared to Pal-releases.
Hopefully somebody will address these problem's and answer to this letter."

Sorry to inform you, but sending an email to NoE will be about as effective as feeding it into a shrinter. It will just get ignored.

if you want to have an actual effect, try sending a letter.

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!