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jacks81x said:

Again, we can agree to disagree, but I just don't think that population is very large.  There are plenty of ways to find out what you're buying without actually playing it first hand.  Personally, I would say that 95% of all my game purchases were of games that I've never played a demo of.  That doesn't mean I didn't know anything about them.  I know exactly what I was buying through reading reviews, watching youtube, game forums, blogs, friends, etc.  In this age of technology, there are countless avenues to gather information about a product you want to purchase.

Second, this online pass idea is no different than DRM on digital media.  PC Games have used this technology for years.  Console games are just catching up to the rest of the world.

I agree with that totally.  I don't see any problem with that.  If you're going to buy the game new, this doesn't affect you.  If you want to buy the game used, this will probably make the used price less.  So that's even better for used game buyers who have no interest in the multiplayer and just want to play the single player campaign.   And if you want do want to play online, then the $10 goes directly the developer, which I'd much rather do than pay a higher used price at say GameStop.  ND isn't the first developer to do this and they sure won't be the last.