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It varies depending on what games are releasing..

In 2009, I was gaming on my PS3 mostly with Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2, R&C: ACiT, Batman, Killzone 2, Resident Evil 5, & Assassin's Creed 2. While I only played my X360 for L4D2 & a few older games.

However in 2010, I gamed on the X360 more. On the X360, I got Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Bad Company 2, Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Bioshock 2, Fallout: New Vegas, & with a few hours of Left 4 Dead 2. While on the PS3, I just played Heavy Rain, God of War 3, & Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

This year, I'll be gaming on the PS3 a lot more. I'll be playing Dead Space 2, Portal 2, LA Noire, LittleBigPlanet 2, inFamous 2, Batman, Assassin's Creed, Dark Souls, & Uncharted 3 all on the PS3. While on the X360, I'll be playing Gears 3, Deus Ex, with a little L4D2 & REACH.

So yeah, it depends on which has the better combination of exclusives and better multiplats for the time.

I don't know which one I prefer. When I wanna buy a shooter/WRPG, I buy it on X360. When I wanna buy an action-adventure/JRPG/ I buy it on the PS3. That's the general rule I follow unless the game is ridiculously better on one of the consoles.

Oh yeah features.
- I like trophies more than achievements. One platinum means you've mastered the game, but 1,000 GP could mean anything. - Controller, eh, it's about even. The X360 controller works with some games better, the DS3 works with some games better.
- Online. XBL is definitely mor advanced, but then again, PSN is free. I'll give this one to the 360
- Interface & menu speed. Definitely 360.
- Blu Ray Player, Internet, etc are obviously better on the PS3.