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Aldro said:

I got the honour of playing the Caspian Border map (on PC ofcourse, there were ways to get in before the servers were taken offline xD). It was really fun flying jets, but you could tell the controls were optimized for consoles and it was really a pain to fly at first. I got it down but the shooting / accuracy ..I just wanted to plugin a joystiq at times. (I played about 15 matches combined on that map).

I hate Metro, it is so god damn boring and the camping.. jesus christ. Only fun part is when your down in the tunnels and confront people.

The graphics are underwhelming (i am playing on Ultra on my PC, and it doesnt look all that Ultra, but its not bad either I suppose... The consoles is really.. NOWHERE NEAR ..what.. a certain somebody *cough* Selnor claimed it to be... (Shocking huh? XD) Now I know its a beta and things DO change, but there's quite a Bad Company 2 feel to BC3 in my honest opinion. I don't see it changing much and the PC well.. I expected more aswell. Some are saying Ultra =/= Ultra and there are a handful of PC people raging over Dice dropping the ball making the game be Bad Company 3 basically (not restricted to graphics only obviously).

Im having ..somewhat fun I suppose. I'll probably pick it up (on PC if anything) but I don't know.. it's quite hard to get into. Its battlefield, you can't run around like.. quite many other games. But it's still a pain on the Metro map. I really hope Dice gives us another map, because if they expect us to help them with bugs/glitches, they really cant have us play that map. Jesus christ give us a big battlefield, CASPIAN BORDER PLEASE!

I know! It's annoying that we're playing a Battlefield game and the map that's available to all is one that's not a large open map like Battlefield maps usually are. I mean I do enjoy some infantry only, but at the same time the map feels like it's more enclosed.

Though I have to say after just having a round of 21/6 while on the attacking team and playing an assualt class and not hanging back, there are some awesome moments to be had. Especially since my play style is to try and save down allies. It's exciting to rush to somebody's aid, pick him up and both of us get away. Though to be fair, we lost because nobody was really pushing untill the end.