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Wow that comment is so not comforting, "come out no matter what". That's a pretty big call to make, and an issue I had with Halo 3 (I agree with the comparison made by makingmusic). Halo 3 lacked the polish a extra year of development would have given it.

Issue is, Killzone 2 is no where near as big as halo 3 (as a franchise), random joe who know's nothing about video games isn't going to pick up KZ2 like they would a Halo game. So if they release it early, it'll hurt saleswise if it gets bad reviews because core gamers will be put off and the public won't get into it because it doesn't have the "must pick up because it's got X franchise name attached" like you would get with Halo, FF, God of War, Gran Turismo, Mario.


EDIT: Didn't realise it was a random with no connection to the game's development that said it.