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@crystalchild, i know what u mean about last rebellion. i still need to finish the game, it was ok.
going to replay white knight chronicles soon, after i beat the game. then i will play white knight chronicles 2.
u will like : trinity souls of zill o'll if u give it a try.


i'll do! Trinity is on my 'to purchase' List, but since i dont know what to expect, i didnt want to buy it at full price - but once i've made my way through DS and Skyrim, i'll look for a good deal, and eventually purchase it.
wohoo! i've used 'eventually' correctly! (i guess) .. without noticing! (i thought up until some weeks ago, it means 'Maybe', because the german word for it is eventuell, and .. dunno.. i thought it would be the same as eventually, since many words are actually quite similar to each other. lol xD.. sorry for offtopic ^^)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!