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oni-link said:
padib said:
oniyide said:
oni-link said:
Bruno Muñoz said:
Great, Deadly Creatures 2 can't come soon enough.

DC sold well for what it was...a niche title about bugs fighting bugs lol!!  I too can't wait for the title as it was funny as hell.  I just don't understand why some ppl *cough*IGN*cough* thought it should be a million seller or blockbuster in sales.   Look at deBlob2, it sold less on HD systems combined than it did on the Wii.  NMH so far has been a sales disappointment (IMHO) on the HD systems that should have sold 3x more than the casual fanbase on the Wii.

are you kidding me?? the game was released in one region for a long time (Japan), PS3 version just got a US and Euro release this month, how long has this game been on Wii?? This game would have sold better on HDs IF it was released at the same damn time. I love how some Wii owners use this argument and then totally forget the multiplatform games that sold alot less on Wii, Spiderman, PoP, COD, Madden, Force Unleashed 2, etc. If anything IMHO the only reason why NMH did that well on Wii is the same reason that Conduit was doing good at first, there was no competition on the system. HD games get crap like that all the time and there much better than NMHs

No, you're not getting it oniyide. The ratio of core players on HD twins as compared to Wii is I'll just guess here 10-fold. There are 50M users per twin, mostly core. Here is the breakdown of sales for COD BOs:

Wii: 1.06m

PS3: 10.61m

360: 13.04m

If we're using this metric it's 1 for 23, so a core base 23x larger on HD twins than on Wii.

His argument isn't that far fetched. And yours isn't too far-fetched either! HD games that come out on Wii are expected to sell less by the same train of thought.

thanks pad I'm glad someone here UNDERSTANDS what I talked about.  With all the hubub about the Wii being a casual system; one would think that the COMBINED sales of the HD twins overshadow a single platform not meant for the genre.  All I'm saying is that regardless on which system it came out it would still not be a million seller.  IF DC ever came out to any of the HD twins I expect the same outcome that deBlob had. IMHO

fair enough, i understand now, but why not say this in the first place??

Not to be anal but you cant combine both HD consoles, we have no idea how much 360 owners have a PS3 also and vice versa, last i checked it was 15% from what i heard. Hell we dont know how much Wii owners also have a one or both HD consoles. (I know like 2 people with only a Wii and they are of the Just Dance/Fit crowd)