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Netyaroze said:

"People bash MW over the years because of how few bullets it takes to kill, but how easy is it to kill in this game,

Lol seriously ? This is a complaint ? Never heard that complaint before. You should play Hardcore mode in BF there you need even way less bullets NO killcam at all no mini map friendly fire slow recovery. No Health bar for vehicle inside. The only complaint about MW3 I hear is camper bad animations and thats always the same. Its the first time I hear that someone complained about MW kills you to fast. How many magazines you think should be used to kill someone ? 1 Hit Shots are Snipers or some guy with a shootgun nearby. If you run across open fields its your own fault also you can see how shot you just take him out next time. Its often possible to flank the enemy and then kill him.

I saw that dice will fix the falling through the floor soon.

That is my opinion, for me, it makes no sense to play a shooter, where the first guy that shoots always gets the kill. That happens, when you have low health, and one bullets really hurts you, so the skilled player runs around intelligently, plays the objective, starts getting shot by a camper hiding in the bushes of an enormous map, tell me, how does the best player kill the camper???

And don´t tell me to flank him, because you know better then me, that if the camper is playing the defensive side, and is hiding where he spawns, there is no way to flank, because he has 5 players around him, you can do it occasionally, but most of the times, you will get owned by someone regardless of who.

I was not talking about MW3, I haven´t played the game, but MW2, how many bullets it takes to kill with a UMP?? How many bursts with the Famas. I think Black ops got it right, but the hit detection was completely screwed (oh and by the way there are a lot of complaints about MW/COD these days).

There is a reason why U2 big players, quit the game after the patch that lowered the health of the player, because that "destroyed" the game for the skilled players.

Low health promotes Campers
Higher health promotes skill (where do your shots actually hit)

And don´t tell me to play Hardcore on any game, you know what players never play hardcore.  I am not even the best ever, but I just don´t like, games/devs that suposedly promote objective play, instead of K/D, but then have huge maps with Snipers under the floor, and campers beind one of the 200 rocks in the map, and 2 bullets and you are dead. For me that is promoting Kills over objective.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:

i agree with you, in first part off the beta i am 1 kill 10 deaths then second and third part 20 kills 5 deaths  lol , i hate when i got killed by the invisible guys that got stuck on the floor

Hilarious how similar that is to me.


And no, 1 month is not a lot of time. What you want say is that there might be a patch day one, because there is very litle time they have before BF3 goes gold.