washimul on 23 February 2007
benoit said:
you mean it's good news cuz it's saving money for sony? great.... but it's still going to be 600€, same price for less... and even if it means a price cut in a few months, do you really think it is an incentive to buy the PS3 when it comes out in march? People are going to hold their purchase till then, or at least till they release the names of the games that are BC...
btw, the decision to release this list on the first day probably means that they have a very very very bad BC and don't want to deter potential buyers from buying on day one.... not good news, again...
ps3 would become fully BC over time . besides that removing the GS saves alot of energy as well.
i envy the Europeans whose ps3s would feature the 65 nm chip and run at 3.2 ghz