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Oh God....

Pro-Life with a bit of Choice. A child is special, in almost any case. I wouldn't deny a woman the right to an abortion if she was raped, but any OTHER means, if she can have the child without any harm to herself or the baby and she wasn't raped, she should have that baby.

When it comes to life, a woman loses her pro-choice vote as soon as she has sex, as she CHOSE to have sex, she should deal with the consequences of it. By all means, use contraceptives, but if you become pregnant, OWN UP and BE RESPONSIBLE. A baby's life isn't something you should get to destroy because YOU weren't ready, or YOU cannot handle it. If you can't take care of a child, put it up for adoption, and if you aren't ready for children, DON'T HAVE SEX. I'm sorry, but your own desires are not more important than a child's, EVER. unplanned or planned. People need to grow up.