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"January 18, 2008 - 2008 is set to be a great year for the PlayStation 3 and PSP, and we don't even know what's going to happen at E3 yet. The PlayStation 2 even has a few more big titles up its sleeve. The second full year of the PlayStation 3's lifespan should be a huge one, as developers are really starting to nail down what the system is capable of and a huge number of exclusive and major cross-platform titles are set to hit stores this year. With games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry 4, Grand Theft Auto IV, Resistance 2 and much, much more promising release this year, PlayStation gamers have a lot to look forward to.

Here is a list of the biggest, and hopefully best, games to hit the PSP, PS2 and PS3 this year. Keep in mind that we're trying to keep this list to games that we think (or at least hope) will ship sometime in 2008. With that said, let the drooling begin, and make sure you tune in until the end to check out our predictions for 2008"

I'd post the whole article, but its 9 pages long. I have to say, that lineup is looking very impressive at the moment. Even the PS2 is getting some more great games. Now, lets hope nothing gets delayed...