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I downloaded RE4 the day it came out because of impulse. Turned out, the game looked great in HD. It seems at home with other 7th gen games (aside from the lack of right analog aiming). It had Achievements added bur nothing more for $20.

Out of curiosity, I looked at other Xbox games available for download. Xbox 1 games, mind you, not the 360 games, XBLA games, or Indie games. There's a TON of Xbox 1 that feature nothing more than upscaled graphics. The ones I saw all cost $15. So, for a game that was denied from Xbox 1 owners (not me-I owned a Gamecube and a PS2 and a Wii!) making its Xbox brand debut and tossing in a full 1000 Achievement points, $20 doesn't seem so bad.

Or M$ is just overcharging for Xbox 1 games. One or the other.