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HappySqurriel said:
oniyide said:
No this thing will not sell for 300 bucks, i want what you guys are smoking, the damn tablet itself is gonna be an expensive SOB, and if we believe that it truly is going to be that much more powerful than PS3, then that adds even more expense. And this is freaking Ninty, they sell console at a profit. Im thinking 400 minimum, maybe even 5. The only way that it would be 300 is if they are selling at a loss or the system is not as powerful as some are saying. IMHO im expecting a modest update, like PS2 2 GC or even PS2 2 Xbox. I seriously doubt Ninty will do a Wii 2 PS360 in terms of power difference

Being that cheap Chinese manufactured LCD ebook and media players with a similar size and resolution display were selling with a MSRP of (around) $100 last Christmas, and (at worst) you could say that the components it doesn't have that the Wii U controller would need would be roughly the same cost as the components these devices have that the Wii U controller doesn't need. With this in mind, why would the Wii U controller be prohibitively expensive when the Wii U launches some-time next year?

To be clear, I'm not trying to imply that the Wii U controller would be as cheap as a conventional controller, but I also don't see why it would be $50 more expensive to manufacture than the Wiimote and Nunchuck; and (therefore) why it would require the Wii U to sell for more than $300.

I completely agree.

By the time Wii U launches, the PS3 will be able to sell at $199 without a loss.  Wii U may have an elaborate controller, but it's not a blu-ray player.

Even if it's sold at a minor loss (very minor, if at all), I can't imagine they'd price it at more than $300, particularly after the 3DS price debacle.