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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
lurkerwithnosoul said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
it is selling good beacause there is no AAA game realeased , and 360 does not release one exclusive in almost an year, this makes the 360 fans so hungry for exclusives they are buying a lot.

and the game is good ofcourse

Yeah, no. Both MW and Battelfield will perform similar to this. It's selling well because it has mass apealing. People like this kind of games, especially in the US. Add to that the metacritic score, the fact that Gears of War has already stablized itself has a series, and the markting it had, and you have an better answer.


And there are some multiplats selling better than exclusives on the PS3. How would you explain that? PS3 fans does not care for they exclusives?


"And there are some multiplats selling better than exclusives on the PS3. How would you explain that? PS3 fans does not care for they exclusives?"

sony release : lbp 2 , killzone 3 , infamous 2, resistance 3 , yakusa 4 , socom 4 , motorstorm game , and another games, do you think every single guy will buy every single exclusive from that list ?  damn,  if they would sell 5 millions copies  for every exclusive they release , hard to imagine that ...

IS any of this necessary?

Microsoft are doing well having 2 franchises hitting 8 mill + sales per game. 

Gears 3 has outdone all reports of what many sites thought the game might do forits opening week. Many reported it would bomb due to stiffer competition this year than for its previous 2 releases. 

Gears 3 is alot better than the first 2 games and deserves the sales its getting. 

Can we get the thread back on topic? 

Instead of crappy stealth comments of insecure fanboys? 

I'm a fanboy, but dont stealth post peoples threads.  make a thread myself to make my own point if its off topic or disruptive for no reason.