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oni-link said:
z101 said:
Araknie said:
I don't think that Nintendo will make this cost more than 300$, if they have learned from the 3DS...i hope so.

ATI at the E3 as said that the WiiU was going to be 50% more powerful than PS3.

ATI never said that. An anonymous developer with the first WiiU-Kits said it was at least 50% more powerful than PS3, but the first WiiU-Kits were dramatically underpowered contrary to the current ones.

LOL...yeah ATI never said anything like that lol...somebody be drinking SDF kool aide!!! (my opinion)

Yeah, someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the "50% more powerful" thing was something that an analyst (Michael Pachter I think) claimed that some unnamed third party publisher told him. While you can assume that they analyst may be truthful, it is highly plausible that he was given false or inaccurate information (potentially second or third hand information channeled through non-technical people); and, even if the information is accurate, it is plausible that a non-technical analyst might misinterpret what he was told.

Hypothetically speaking, suppose someone told the analyst that they thought that the Wii U was somewhere around halfway between what the HD consoles are today and what they expected Sony and Microsoft to release as a system 12 to 24 months after the Wii U was released.  The person who made this claim may not be doing so based on what the final version of the Wii U hardware is, and they may not have any information about what Sony or Microsoft is releasing in the next generation, so the claim half-way between systems may not be accurate; and even then, the claim half-way between was misinterpreted to mean 50% more powerful by someone who doesn’t understand what he was told. Though a series of speculation, assumptions and misinterpretations like this a system could be substantially more powerful than existing hardware (and potentially as powerful as upcomming hardware) and you could still be told that it was only 50% more powerful.