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Linkasf said:
Darc Requiem said:
x_DMX_x said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:

for me, it important that the WiiU has nearly or the same if possible, power to Ps4/Xbox720

since Nintendo wants some hardcore and 3rd parties, too (like with the 3DS), it depends heavily on how the graphics of the WiiU compare to Sony's and MS's next home consoles, so that we don't havethe ''Ps3/Xbox360 games'' or ''Wii exclusives'' we are having this gen

Xbox360/Ps3 games made currently for WiiU are just for launch/start, It's common sense that they have to look better on WiiU, but it's future depends on how it holds up to it's competitors (which are not Xbox360 and Ps3)

this interview gives some hope, unlike the god knows if true, rumors about faulty WiiU hardware that developers couldn't work on

Nintendo always has the better 1st party games, but lacks online and graphics, hope WiiU is a step forward on online and graphics, and that the gap is smaller

I doubt the Wii U will have better graphics than the PS3.FACT:Killzone 3 is the best looking game on consoles ive never seen anything better then Killzone 3 on consoles.Plus if Nintendo or Microsoft wanted to have more disc space(Blu-Ray) they would have to pay Sony and I think Panasonic since they invented Blu-Ray.

You don't seem to have a grasp of the facts. The WiiU has a more powerful CPU, GPU, at least 3 times the RAM. I'm curious as to how you have come to such a conclusion.

He believes the Sony commercials.

LOL...or he gets his information from the guys at SDF. hehehehehehehe

On a serious note, why are people even questioning this?  The upcoming generation won't see a big diffrence in hardware capabilities between systems.  The Wii U has already been confirmed using IBM's POWER 7 architecture a beast in itself ( I thought they would go POWER6 or a suped up 5 which the 360 is based on).  In addition, the GPU is based on ATI's R770 chip which runs circles around both the PS3 and the 360.  I said it before, I love my 360 and think it provides the best hardware performance this generation.  I am not however blind to the fact that PS3 and 360 are aging consoles(aging beautifully but aging none the less) and that the Wii U is gonna be on a level on it's own; until MS and Sony releases their next generation consoles!!!