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Over here we have average european prices of about 1.60 € per liter (=8.20 $ per gallon)

Unlike most people however, I don't think that gasoline taxes should be lower over here; instead, I believe that americans should finally pay proper gasoline taxes.
From what we know today, the earth's oil resources will be empty in a few decades at the most. And while "few decades" may still sound like a lot of time, the ever-increasing disparity between supply and demand will much earlier lead to gasoline prices that are truly ridiculous.

Many people claim that the height of gasoline taxes have no effect on the actual gasoline consumption because people have to drive anyway. But that's not true. In Europe the high gasoline taxes have led most customers to look for low gasoline comsumption cars, hardly anyone would drive an SUV over here, and car producers react by spending huge amounts on research to lower consumption.
Furthermore, people DO adjust their driving behaviour to high gasoline prices.

The cheaper gasoline is today, the more expensive it will be tomorrow.