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yo_john117 said:
"Most wished for" does not actually compute to actual pre-orders

I wonder because the source had to have made a mistake. According to Amazon themselves their "Most Wished For" stats come from users wish lists. Users can tag an item for their wish list. So items with a lot of tags mean a lot of customers want the product. But to my knowledge this doesn't translate to actual pre-orders.

Heck I bet a lot of people added it to their wish list without even owning 3DS, I've added products I am interested in to my wish list before with no intent to buy them. They were just products I wanted to follow and was interested in.

Its nice to know that so many consumers are interested in Mario Kart 7 but until actual pre-order numbers are made available and sales stats come out I'll with hold my excitement.

Of course I have no doubt that Mari Kart 7 will make the top 20 upon launch. In fact I'd be surprised if it didn't make the top ten at one point after launch. Mario Kart is the highest grossing spin-off in the Mario franchise, it performed extremely well on DS and Wii as well as every platform it has been on since SNES.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer