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I expect Uncharted 3 to be the best looking game ever made on a console, but you can´t see that from that off screen footage.

What for me was great on that video is the sound, the involvement, how real all of that scene looked, those one-on-one fights were seamless, and when Drake kills a dude, and catches his weapon mid-air, that was just....... those are the kinds of little things naughty dog does, that makes you appreciate what they do.

I still think that they need to go all out in player customization, they need to make this game more of a multi player experience while not forgetting to keep rocking the campaign like they are known for, being able to play the campaign with other people, lots of player skins plus weapons skins.

They need to extend U3 lifetime for a multiplayer only player, if they want to sell more games.

I think the Facebook integration is nice and will help them.

Every time I log in Unchaterd 2, and I see the daily players, I am just disappointed because the multiplayer is fun, the problem is, there is nothing to play for, there are no challenges, no unlockable cool things to play for, and because of that, a lot of guys don´t play that game online and consider Uncharted a single player only franchise.

When it comes to graphics, IDK why, but Killzone 3 is IMO, overrated graphically. No doubt it looks good, but for me, there is no way it looks better then U2 and God of war, still, a great looking game no doubt.

1) U3
2) God of war 3
3) U2
4) Killzone 3
5) Gears of War 3