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Faxanadu said:
Apple not being specialized? Are you sure?

Apple is a specialized company as in they focus on technology. But if you read my post above I'm talking specific industries not broad based things like the entertainment industry or technology industry. As in relying on one type of product for BlackBerry its their OS. BlackBerry and PlayBook both use the same OS they are very similiar products.

Apple uses iOS alot. However they branched out of just there computer industry. MP3 players like the I-Pod were completely different products then i-Mac was or Pippin etc...etc... Apple is always looking to expand and create new products to reach new industries and new consumers rather then focusing entirely on one industry. So yah I-Phone and I-Pad are virtually the same device but I-Mac is not and I-Pod's while some of the new ones run pretty much like an I-Pad they are still MP3 players.



"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer