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Rath said:
Apple and Disney are fairly specialised and focus on a single industry. Better examples of ex-pandas would be the massive conglomerates like Yamaha, Mitsubishi, General Electric, Samsung, LG, Hyundai or the Virgin Group

Apple is a tech company and Disney is a entertainment company but other then that they aren't really specializing in one single industry. Apple makes all kinds of technology based products though I'd agree your suggestions are much larger expanshionists then Apple. Disney is also not just film they also make games and music and technology. I recently saw a TV show on how they were creating interactive devices which projected an image onto a surface and you could interact with the image. Not to mention their theme parks are also a huge industry and make tons of money. So they are hardly a single industry specialist.

Although if you consider music, games and movies as all the single entertainment industry then that would cut down the companies that follow the expansionist policies deeply. I could have tried to make the thread more complicated by specifying smaller industry specialists , bigger industry specialists and expansionists. But it would get too complicated and wouldn't answer what I hoped to learn from this thread.

The main question is "Is it better to expand into multiple different product markets or specialize in one"


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer