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brendude13 said:
ffirebrand_cloud said:

From what I've investigated, the causes of anxiety vary between sexes, as men have a different approach for survival than women do . Focusing on males, they react towards stressful situations with a "fight or flight response", a very useful mechanism for surviving  on a hostile environment filled with sources of danger and possible death. 

That being said, anxiety comes from the male brain not recognizing properly what is a dangerous situation, and constantly ordering the body to release adrenaline, thus producing physicial symptoms such as chest tightness and shortness of breath, intense fear, muscle cramps, etc. 

It is very frustrating because of how much it can cripple, as you could geta sudden attack from doing almost any kind of activity. Even if you try to talk yourself into the irrationality of the whole situation, the symptoms persist, and may even aggravate. 

Ahh, that makes sense.

So if you play a thrilling game or something, that gets to you too?

I would hate that.

Not even that lol . In my case, If i Don't REALLY enjoy a game, I start getting anxiety. Even if it has some minor issue I don't like, I just have to stop playing it. Out of the 15 games I've bought this gen, I have only really played 3 or so. I know it sounds weird, it's just the brain confusing situations and emotions I guess.... 

Notwithstanding, I can live with that. I can just stop playing games i don't like, and anxiety goes away. From my expeirience, the way to get rid of it is to simply get away from the source of the anxiety. However, that becomes imposible when say, I get extremely anxious while being at university, reading school materials, or getting an assignment done. It really is that bothersome.