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sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:


A)  He stopped him from leaving.... how exactly?  He's one person.  One person tends to need to sleep, and the father couldn't spend eternity watching him, outside the fact that you know, the boy was clearly trained how to survive based on his condition.

B)  Not if he wasn't living in a modern society.  Aside from which "Taking away something that helps your kid" isn't child abuse.   Considering though that "his father taught him how to read".  Doesn't sound like it was doing him any good.

B2)  You've yet to show any abuse.  Do you have any proof he DIDN'T want to?  Looking at the post below, it looks like he wants to go back now.

If you actually paid attention to the story you were making a snap judgement on, you'd note the fact that the Father said "If anything happens to me and there is an emergency, go North and get help."

I'd guess that's why he went north to get help.  Who knows why the dad told him that, or what the dad planned on doing in the woods, or if he planned to get others to go with him or not.  Noone knows.

To suggest he should lose his kid just because he wanted to live in the woods with his son is ridiculious.

C) His Amneisa is about the time before he was in the woods.  So.... no... no it doesn't. 

If anything, it suggests that the death of his mother is what caused his memory loss.  In such cases it's even possible to lose reading and writing skills.  Hence MAYBE why his father had to teach a 13 year old to read, who knows though.

D) Lets put the average 15 year old in the woods, and see how clean they come out... if they come out of the woods at all.  Considering how many adults aren't "Smarter then a 5th grader" i think you overestimate how much knowledge is retained by the average person.

E) You have no proof he went insane.  Again you took "Went into the woods after his wife died" as "He went crazy and took his child into the woods."   How do you know that he didn't always want to do that, but his wife didn't, and after she died, he thought it'd be a good way for the family to heal.

You don't because your quite literally pulling stuff out of your ass to fit your worst case scenario sitaution.

I don't know the situation either, the difference is... I'm not trying to judge someone or instantly take away their children assuming that ANYONE that wants to live in the woods away from technology is some insane person who should be locked away.   (Even though, I personally find such an idea crazy, cause technology rules.)

I've decided to wait for further info (psych evaluation etc.) before I make any more judgments regarding this. Regarding point D though, in the article it's mentioned that he's afraid of soap, which makes you wonder how exactly he keeps himself clean.

A smart thing to do.

As for the soap, could just be he's "afraid" of modern soap.  Homemade soap and modern soap are pretty different.  Homemade soft can often be softer, or completely liquid, it also usually moisturizes a lot better.