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Edouble24 said:
I do buy what I want, the argument is if we should want new consoles, because PCs can offer superior graphical capabilities. Of course we want new consoles, we want our form of gaming to continue to push forward. My favorite game is on Playstation 1, it doesn't mean I don't want things to evolve with technology. New consoles bring lots of new possibilities, graphics and improved performance is one.

I'm not really sure what you're arguing against, but it's normal to want to upgrade your console after 5+ years. I'm certainly hoping the next Xbox and PS release sooner rather than later, and buying a PC (which I have) wont replace a next gen console.

I buy consoles for 1st party games and JRPGs, that's about it, not because I want better graphics, but because they would stop making games for the older machines. Uncharted 2 is still the best shooter experience on consoles SP thus far though, I also don't like FPS on consoles in general, they are pretty much trash imo, Halo 3 was only good because I was gravity hammering like mad, which made it more like FPM than FPS.... Graphics on consoles is just not that important for me, I'm only paying a few hundred bucks for the machines, it's not supposed to rock my eyes out /shrug Expectations are always low, upgrade wouldn't be required if they just keep making good games for a few more years, the problem is the saturation point and they would stop making as much profit so they have to keep pumping out shit to keep consumers excited.

Next major PC move won't be until 2014 or so anyways, so I don't see new MS or Sony machines until, well, at least 2014.