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Kasz216 said:

2) A counter culture is a culture that rejects the main culture of society.  IE The majority of their beliefs are different from the main cultures.

3)  No, not all survivalists prepare for apocolyptic scenaios, nor due all isolationists have to do with the affairs of other nations.

Your relying too far on what you can read on wikipedia because you lack any real world expierence.

There are plenty of people who forgoe technology and "move back to the woods..." and in general, Isolation was often seen as a good thing culturally, even in the west before we got so modernized, look at monks and shit.

Aside from which

A) You have no proof he did break any of those laws.

B) Because he isolated himself.  "If you don't like this culture you can move" essentially a xenophobic rightwing statement as you can get... along the lines of "If you don't like America you can move to russia." really only applies if the country is willing to pay for your ticket and if there is free kand available.

Not everyone can afford to just move to another country, and there really aren't ANY countries that follow an isolationist live by yourself belief... nor is there any unclaimed land left on earth. Outside of like, a couple of desert pieces of land which are pretty unhelpful at this point.  Hell even the artic is being heavily claimed by russia right now.

Meaning that by specifically going to unused parts of land that nobody noticed for, for like 5 years, suggests he did about as well as he could have to avoid breaking any laws.

2. I thought we had already established that.

3. That's what those terms refer to. Maybe there is a subculture that behaves the way you describe, however it doesn't go by the name of 'survivalist' or 'isolationist'. If such a subculture is documented, please present proof.

Isolation has only been seen as a good thing in relation to religion. In some places in the world,

A. Well, if this case isn't all one big joke like balloon boy, we know that he took his 12-year-old son, and made him live in a forest. In other words, he took him out of school when he was in the 6th grade, which is illegal (he probably still has the intellect of a 12-year-old, which is a cruel thing to do to someone). That's at least one law broken, and if you add the general living conditions, there are probably otehrs too. Isolating his son from other human beings most likely caused great psychological trauma.

B. In a democratic country you're free to oppose norms viewed as abusive, however you can't claim that you reject the country's culture, therefore you no longer have to follow it's laws. Minority may be allowed the possibility to be autonomous at some degree, but even then they won't be allowed full independence to do whatever they want. There needs to be a sort of common ground, else a nation will fall appart.

And it's quite certain that an individual can't just decide to isolate himself from society totally (as in, he's not a memeber of any society, isn't subjected to any society's laws). As you yourself said, that can't be done nowadays in any country in the world.If you wanna live 'isolated', then all you need to do is buy some land, put a fence around it to keep any trespassers at bay, arrange for someone to take care of all your affairs in civilization, and simply live there alone and at peace (you'll still be subjected to society's laws though, but it's the closest to 'isolation' one can achieve).

This guy did break laws regarding what he did with his son however (it's one thing to live in a forest, but to force a child to live like that, isolate him from society, and deny him the right to get an education is just cruel).

There's also the fact that this guy probably went crazy after his wife died, so a sanatorium would've been a more appropriate residence for him.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
