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sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:

Except you know... counter culture groups often begin with one person... and aside from that he's far from being the first isolationist.

Also... no... culture isn't more in the realm of anthropology.

Cultural Sociology Is the largest section of the American Sociological Assosiation... and most of the sections that aren't Cultural Sociology are in fact dealing with Culture... outside of like Demography maybe.

I know this because I was like 3 classes away from a Sociology degree, my Girlfriend has a sociology degree, a sociology masters degree and is about to take a comprehensive exam on Cultural Sociology.

Anthropology is like the equilvent of Demography... where your mostly just getting statistics about.

Well.... unless your taking part in Social Anthropology.  Which is basically less scientifically sound sociology.


Aside from which, an Anthropologist would likely disagree with you even more then a Sociologist.

It's quite irrelevant that counter-cultural movements start with one person. They only become movements when they are adopted by a group of people, and they're always based on collective experience . And what's more important, they concern groups of people, not individuals. Can you imagine a guy, let's call him Ben, start a counter-culture movement concerning only him, of which only he is part of? He is different than any other person in the world, because he is Ben, and no one else is Ben. Such a thing would fall in the real of absurdity.

Counter-cultrue and subcultures concern groups of people (emphasis on the groups part).

And have you not heard of Cultural Anthropology?

Oh, and neither a Sociologist nor an Anthropologist would disagree with me (I actually know people who are both, not to mention that any Sociology or Anthropology book will say that culture is a group phenomenon). You're just wrong about this. Admit it and move on.

1) Social and Cultural Anthropology are basically the same thing.  And they're both basically "micro sociology."

2) Yes, I can imagine someone named Ben starting his own counter culture movement.  Afterall, if there are three people stranded on a desert island, are you saying Ben is forced to see things almost exactly the same way as John and Anne's culture wise, just because there are only three of them? 

He can't have different opinions then the other two?  How about an Island of five with two people opposed.  (Cause you know, his son.)

3)  Also again, this isnt' new.  It's essentially just woods based survivalism and isolationism.  So it's not even like this one guy (And his son, so you know... two people) would be creating their own culture or counter culture, but just adopting one that already exists.