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Kasz216 said:

This is just going to be another one of those cases your not going to understand till you take a sociology class.

Culture forms views, but views ALSO form culture, because that's exactly what culture is.  A persons views.

The smaller the group or culture, the larger the impact a persons view will have an culture.

Your view is biased and... actually quite bigoted for two reasons.

1) The importance on ethnic minority.  Why shouldn't someone be able to give up their culture to accept a minorities culture?  To suggest they shouldn't is akin to inferring that said culture is inferior and only fit for the minority out of tradition.

2) A focus on what only exists currently, which basically rejects all counter culture movements.

You know what was a counter culture movement?  The Civil Rights movement in numerous countries.  According to you, those people should apparently have to conform to racism and sexism, since back then it was the law, and there was no ethnic or racial minority involved.

Your arguements always seem to veer straight for liberal to Neoconservative/Authoritarian.


A culture isn't a person's views. A culture is a group of people's views (though the term 'view' is quite inappropriate, as culture is much more than that). Counter-culture, like any form of culture, is a group phenomenon. Civil rights movements had marginal groups protesting against their status,and demanding that they not be excluded. What one individual does is not a counter culture movement.

And it's funny that you mentioned Sociology. Culture falls more in the realm of Anthropology, but what both Sociology and Anthropology have in common (well, they have several things in common, but I'm going to single out this one) is that they study groups, not individuals. Psychology generally works with people on an individual level, but Sociology works with groups. And culture is a group phenomenon.

This man in the article (if this story is true), was not part of any counter-culture movement. He was just crazy man who took his son and forced him to live in a forest for 5 years. He'd make an interesting case study for Psychologists.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
