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Zlejedi said:
d21lewis said:
Silver-Tiger said:
TakeMeToTheHospital said:
Silver-Tiger said:
Christian973 said:

What mass market appeal does the Vita have in the west? none. It's going to have the same problem psp had. Vita in Japan is going to have trouble selling. That FFX HD port is still in development and i doubt it will move hardware like that gimmicky little deviants game. We've learned from the 3DS that games move hardware.

Call of Duty.

'nuff said.

Call Of Duty on a 5 inch screen?!?! yeh right dude. No one is gonna enjoy that. Try quickscoping on anything less than a 32 inch. Impossible. 

..except for the millions of people who cried after a second analog stick for games guessed it, Call of Duty.

Not everyone can be a hardcore gamer, and PSVita isn't the platform the 1337-gamer who has a killratio of 100/1. It is a PORTABLE console. If you want to play the real CoD, you gonna play it on a PC/PS3/360 anyway. For everything else, there's the Vita.

But that's the thing.  The not hardcore gamer who is going to pay $250 for a portable version of Call of Duty?  It's an identity crisis.  The hardcore are going to go for the real version and the casual are going to think it's too expensive.  I'm sure there's a middle ground but the two extremes are going to have a hard time justifying the purchase.

They won't be buying PSV cod INSTEAD of home version. I can totally see some freeks buying it in addtion to PS3 version to be able to play it also outside of home.

That's the whole point of handheld console to bring you entertainment when you are outside of home not to replace it. You can clearly see it in popularity of handhelds in Japan where majority of people travel by train every day.

So me and the guy I quoted both got it wrong.  He said that the PSV isn't for the 1337 hardcore gamer.  I said it wasn't for the casual gamer.  You say it's for the hardcore gamer on the go.  I can see that.

I got SSF4 for the 3DS.  It's a very good recreation of the home console experience.  I wouldn't want to play it for competition (too many people use the touch screen to "cheat") but I use it to scratch my Street Fighter itch when I'm away from home.  I guess CoD on PSV can do the same for a certain segment of the COD audience.


*edit* One thing to keep in mind about Call of Duty is that the main draw is the online.  The PSV will support online and 3G but lets be real.  There is no way 3G is going to be able to support the CoD online experience.  People are going to have to have access to Wi FI to play Call of Duty in some way that resembles the home version.  Maybe a quick session at McDonalds or Starbucks or Books a Million or something?  But even then, you'll have to contend with people dropping out at inopportune times.  It's the nature of handheld gaming.  Or, people can just play at home where they have full access to online all of the time.  But if they're playing at home on their Wi Fi then why are they playing their portable?