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sapphi_snake said:
vlad321 said:

So... you outright admit to being extremely close minded? Did you also just try to bring laws in to justify something when we're talking about it in a metaphysical sense? Also, who are you to say whether someone can change their culture or not? I find European cultre in general fucking retarded, as well as American culture, am I not allowed to have my own culture that removes the idiocy of Europe and the US? Furthermore this guy and his teenage son managed to live "like this" for 5 years, they seem capable enough to survive beyond just wild animals. Then you again bring in legality to seal your own close mindedness.

I don't see how I'm close minded. Culture refers to a particular form/stage of civilization. It is a social phenomenon, the symbolical encoding of human experiences. It is somethign very complicated, and not something you can just change like you change your shirt. It's certainly not something that you can 'invent'. Culture is born and develops naturally as a result of a group of people's colelctive interractions with the world.Individuals can have their personal beliefs, but an individual's personal beliefs do not make up a culture. Actually, culture influences people's individual beliefs, since all people are born in a certain culture that provides a certain view of reality.

If you don't like Western culture, you're free to move to whatever place in the world you want to, and if you can immerse yoruself in their culture, if you find that possible. However, if you live in a certain country, you have to follow their rules and laws (which will be rooted in their culture), the only exception being if you're part of an ethnic minority which has it's own culture (Native Americans, Aborigines, Gypsies etc.), case in which most countries would allow the group you're oart of some form of autonomy.

And if you hate Western culture so much, you should know that shallowness and immaturity are sterotypes of the people part of said culture. Be careful not to display those traits when you're going on about how the West sucks.

This is just going to be another one of those cases your not going to understand till you take a sociology class.

Culture forms views, but views ALSO form culture, because that's exactly what culture is.  A persons views.

The smaller the group or culture, the larger the impact a persons view will have an culture.

Your view is biased and... actually quite bigoted for two reasons.

1) The importance on ethnic minority.  Why shouldn't someone be able to give up their culture to accept a minorities culture?  To suggest they shouldn't is akin to inferring that said culture is inferior and only fit for the minority out of tradition.

2) A focus on what only exists currently, which basically rejects all counter culture movements.

You know what was a counter culture movement?  The Civil Rights movement in numerous countries.  According to you, those people should apparently have to conform to racism and sexism, since back then it was the law, and there was no ethnic or racial minority involved.

Your arguements always seem to veer straight for liberal to Neoconservative/Authoritarian.