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Zlejedi said:
Silver-Tiger said:
Christian973 said:

What mass market appeal does the Vita have in the west? none. It's going to have the same problem psp had. Vita in Japan is going to have trouble selling. That FFX HD port is still in development and i doubt it will move hardware like that gimmicky little deviants game. We've learned from the 3DS that games move hardware.

Call of Duty.

'nuff said.

Fifa, NHL, Madden, racing games (PSV Gran Turismo is probably only a matter of time)

Plus, for the Vita, the price won't be as big an issue as it was with the 3DS, as the Vita has more value for the dollar.  Better quality screen, better graphics, and more features.  It's also launching at the exact same price as the PSP did against a $150 DS, and that has gone on to sell 71+ million units (and will probably end 80+ million).  I have no doubt that if Nintendo had left the price the same, even with a couple of Mario games, the Vita would have hands down won this handheld gen.  I think the sudden pricecut a mere 5-6 months from launch proves that Nintendo knew this, as well.