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I know I'm going to eventually pick of a PSV. I just don't know how successful it can be. It has amazing graphics that internet fans are going apeshit for but does the average casual gamer really care about HD quality graphics on a small screen? It has 3G support but how many people will pay AT&T for 3G and not already have a 3G phone? It has music, movies, netflix, GPS, cell-phone styled games, etc, but again, a decent smart phone has all of those features and is a lot sleeker.

There have been a lot of games announced for the PSV but the vast majority of the games listed are unknown/unproven franchises that will likely struggle to gain a following. Some of these games (if they do release at the same time) will cannibalize each others sales. And all the while, the 3DS is gaining momentum and selling without a challenger (including a free holiday season outside of Japan).

I'm going to go out on a limb and say the only big selling point for the PSV will be the PSN and its ability to link players together. These days, gamers like to socialize with each other. That's Sony's ace in the hole. Even so, I still think that the PSV has a long hard road ahead of it.