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Xen said:
Christhor said:
Xen said:
Christhor said:
This forum is filled with FFX fanboys, open your eyes people, notice the terrible story telling and the douchey characters! Such whores, only wanting flash and no substance. (And no, before any of you say something, I'm not defending FFXIII)

Doesn't look like it will outsell FFVIII, which is a shame, that abomination deserves to die. Oh well, here's to the next FF, eh?

I already won that last argument, wanna go again?

Also, FF VIII is better than XIII - and better than most other FF's and games, to boot.

You won that arguement? Lolwut, all you did was say "At least FFXIII did it worse! So I'm allowed to like my cruddy game". Man, kids these days...

If you wanna go again, just tell me ;)

@bren: FFX > FFVI > FFVIII for me. Everything else is great and changes places on occasion - only FF XIII drudges far far behind. But yeah, the ending in FFX really seals the deal there.

lol, so arrogant, didn't mature at all during the last year, eh? I guess that's just what this place does to you. As long as you don't try to twist my words this time then go right ahead.

This reminds me, I actually linked a friend to that other discussion, he asked me why I posted a video oh a hentai game in the middle of it. It took me quite a while to convince him that it was just FFX-2 and that you were just giving a woman an orgasm by massaging her.