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sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:
sapphi_snake said:
Immortal said:
sapphi_snake said:

If he's father weren't dead he should be locked up in jail for abusing his son in that way.

Abuse? Is there really something wrong with living in the wilderness? Moreover, is there anything illegal about it? Your suggestion is rather intriguing so could you please elaborate?

I have a bad feeling I accidentally skimmed over an important part of the OP because this just seems odd to me, not really wrong.

It's illegal to take a child out of school 'till he graduates the 9th or 10th grade. And forcing your child to abandon school, his friends, isolating him from society and forcing him to live in the woods with no roof over his head, no food, clothes sanitary units etc. is considered child abuse. Not to mention that he most likely exposed the child to criminal activites, by stealing from campers and cabins. I'm quite sure that any social worker would find this an unfit environment for a child to grow up in,and would take the child into custody.

The father was obviously unfit to be a parent, and most likely suffered from some mental disease.

Holy crap there are a lot of assumptions in this post.

I mean, you know that in the wildreness people can find food, make clothes, and live sanitary lives right? 

Also... they lived in a tent.  It's in the article.

He was taken out of school. He was isolated from society. He was isolated from medical care. They didn't have a stable food supply. How would you say a social worker would evaluate this situation? Do you think it's an approrpiate environment to raise a child?

And your the problem with your aborigine example is that those people actually have a culture and society structure that is simply different from our own. They're allowed to live that way, because it's not right or appropriate to force our culture on them. This however is just a crazy guy who dragged his 12-year-old son to a forest and made him live there for 5 years. And according to our society's standards, what he did is called child abuse, and if he weren't dead, he shouls be rotting in jail about now.

You do realize that by trying to take this kid's child away you are in fact trying to force your culture on to him.  A culture he rejected by moving away from it. 

Would you say that if a man from Australia decides he likes aborigine culture better and leaves Sydney to live like the aborigines with his son he was abusing him?

He rejected modern culture and moved to the wilderness with his son to start a new culture, at an age where parents can legally make choices for their children.

Either you respect other cultures or you don't.  The minute you try and pick and choose you AREN'T picking to tolerate other cultures and instead only tolerating cultures that aren't too far off your own.

And I mean really, I can think of many places with much worse cultural choices then that based on survivalism, like the many cultures where women have zero power, or where racism and anti-semtism exist and outright executions of people who slightly fall out of the norm.