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I'd like to just point out that you showed us a trailer, it's mostly like been touched up in places and it's developed to market the best aspects of the game.

Also, if anyone's been keeping up with hands on impressions from both the press and the general public that has had their hands on the game, they've mostly come out and said that the console versions look like a slight advancement of BBC2, I'm mainly referring to Giant Bomb, Shack News, the IGN Podcast and people on Neogaf. The PC version is meant to be amazing, the console versions are meant to be just OK.

I'm not that interested in Battlefield 3, I'm a campaign man and I found the last games campaign to be pretty boring. Things may change later on.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.