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bmmb1 said:
Joelcool7 said:


I have not heard one confirmation that Nintendo paid a single cent for any of Capcom's games. Infact earlier this year Capcom stated it would be scaling back its 3DS support. Now your right Nintendo could be paying Capcom for MH4, but what evidence is their supporting this claim?

The reason I believe it was announced is because Capcom has always supported Nintendo. Even during GameCube Capcom released multiple titles including exclusives for the GCN. I think when they saw how well DS did they expected 3DS to sell shit loads and they began development on several projects. Look at how many titles were announced for 3DS prior to release from Capcom.

Capcom was hugely supportive of 3DS, their title StreetFighter4 was also the highest grossing third party game on 3DS. But if MH3G fails to generate adequate sales then I can't see MH4 coming to 3DS. Unless you are right and Nintendo pays out the ying yang for it.

If Nintendo is paying Capcom for exclusivity then yes it will come. But there is currently no evidence to support that, usually Nintendo announces these kinds of deals. We all knew about RE4's exclusivity deal long before it launched, If money was changing hands and Nintendo was paying Capcom Its sort of expected that this deal would come out.

I've looked high and low for any articles suggesting Nintendo bought MH4 exclusivity or even having it on 3DS at all. I found nothing to suggest any sort of deal was made for any of Capcom's titles for 3DS.

Capcom has always supported Nintendo and Sony, I don't see why Capcom would stick with 3DS if MHTG fails to sell. It wouldn't make business sense especially with Capcom's investors being so deeply against 3DS. Unless Nintendo is paying major dough for its release I think there remains a very good chance it will either get cancelled or ported to a different platform.

Of course if 3DS sales pick up and MHTG sells fairly well then this game will definatly come. But I wouldn't assume that its coming until you see the outcome of MHTG.

Not critical, but since I don't recall it, can you please provide a source for this - "earlier this year Capcom stated it would be scaling back its 3DS support" ? Only thing I vaguely recall is that at some point BEFORE 3Ds even came out Capcom said they will have less Nintendo titles for the fiscal year (not 3DS specifically but Nintendo) but with more focus on quality.

You say that you think if TriG doesn't sell enough as far as Capcom wants then MH4 will probably be cancelled, and you use PS3 as an example. But Capcom's stated reason for moving Tri from PS3 was HD development costs, not PS3 sales. This (beyond possible incentives from Nintendo) may be the reasoning behind MH4 on the 3DS as well, since it is the only new console that still does not necessitate HD level development... So, while I don't rule out multi platform, I don't see MH4 leaving the 3DS regardless of TriG sales. As Said earlier, TriG is probably simply a way to get additional MH fans on the 3DS (beyond of course being a way to get yet more money while using the same assets...)

Sure, I was reading the news from multiple sources earlier today. The announcement was that Capcom would be scaling back Wii/3DS development and focusing on 360/PS3. This was announced during their plans for this fiscal year so it is likely the story your thinking of. However Capcom specifically mentions 3DS as seeing support downsized! (Sources= Planet3DS, FrontTowardGamer, MyNintendoNews) But your wrong all the articles specifically mention 3DS and Capcom downgrading support of that platform.

I can't disagree that Tri was moved from PS3 do to dev costs.  However keep in mind prior to Tri Monster Hunter was still not as big on home consoles. The second Monster Hunter which launched on PS2 only sold 630,000 copies which while successful is not going to make enough profit to offset the high cost of developing on PS3 nearby launch. However this time round look at PSP's sales of Monster Hunter titles, the PSP titles sold up to 5-million units which is far greater then Tri did on Wii. Infact if Capcom thinks they could sell 5-million units on Vita or another platform rather then launching on 3DS then HD costs aren't going to matter.

Look at the sales of the PSP Monster Hunter titles, the argued fact that Nintendo improved North American sales is proven false with a quick look at the VGChartz sales figures. If MH3G fails to perform on 3DS and doesn't meet good sales then MH4 will definatly be in jeoprody.A pay off by Nintendo would definatly help keep MH4 on 3DS but even Nintendo couldn't give Capcom enough money to make up for around 4 million more sales if MH4 was to be launched on another platform.

I also agree that MH3G is probably a ploy to get MH fans to buy 3DS, but that doesn't mean if it fails to sell many copies that Capcom will not see it as a red flag. I think if MH3G fails to sell then I doubt MH4 will come to 3DS exclusively if at all!

Infact Nintendo has way more to gain from MH3G and MH4 being exclusive then Capcom does. So much more to gain that I don't see how it will benefit Capcom. Nintendo couldn't possibly give them enough money to make launching exclusively on 3DS worth Capcom's while unless MH3G actually sells well.

I mean if MH4 comes exclusively to 3DS then Nintendo could expect up to 5-million in sales if it performed like the PSP versions did. If thats the case then it could be the biggest thing coming to 3DS to date (From a third party). It could shift millions of 3DS hardware, but again how would Capcom benefit?

Rol likes to just write me off but I'm not being irrational!


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