smroadkill15 said:
Thechalkblock said:
smroadkill15 said:
Oct. 11th is when this baby ships in North America and the 14th for the international peeps for the PS3/360. You don't just get all the DLC (including the previous PS3-only gang hideout), but it also includes a "brand new hard-core single player mode" for the hardcore folks out there. This will run you $50 big ones. I've held off from buying RDR, but I think this might be the time to pick it up.
same thoughts here
I rented RDR when it came out, but never finished. Then the Undead DLC arrived and I really wanted to play it, but wasn't willing to shell out the dough. I knew they would release a GOTY edition sooner or later.
i borrowed it from a friend and was too busy with school when i had it to get into it, so i never got very far in it. it would be stupid not to play such an acclaimed game, so this edition is convenient