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RolStoppable said:
Joelcool7 said:


I have not heard one confirmation that Nintendo paid a single cent for any of Capcom's games. Infact earlier this year Capcom stated it would be scaling back its 3DS support. Now your right Nintendo could be paying Capcom for MH4, but what evidence is their supporting this claim?

The reason I believe it was announced is because Capcom has always supported Nintendo. Even during GameCube Capcom released multiple titles including exclusives for the GCN. I think when they saw how well DS did they expected 3DS to sell shit loads and they began development on several projects. Look at how many titles were announced for 3DS prior to release from Capcom.

Capcom was hugely supportive of 3DS, their title StreetFighter4 was also the highest grossing third party game on 3DS. But if MH3G fails to generate adequate sales then I can't see MH4 coming to 3DS. Unless you are right and Nintendo pays out the ying yang for it.

If Nintendo is paying Capcom for exclusivity then yes it will come. But there is currently no evidence to support that, usually Nintendo announces these kinds of deals. We all knew about RE4's exclusivity deal long before it launched, If money was changing hands and Nintendo was paying Capcom Its sort of expected that this deal would come out.

I've looked high and low for any articles suggesting Nintendo bought MH4 exclusivity or even having it on 3DS at all. I found nothing to suggest any sort of deal was made for any of Capcom's titles for 3DS.

Capcom has always supported Nintendo and Sony, I don't see why Capcom would stick with 3DS if MHTG fails to sell. It wouldn't make business sense especially with Capcom's investors being so deeply against 3DS. Unless Nintendo is paying major dough for its release I think there remains a very good chance it will either get cancelled or ported to a different platform.

Of course if 3DS sales pick up and MHTG sells fairly well then this game will definatly come. But I wouldn't assume that its coming until you see the outcome of MHTG.

The source is common sense.

Nintendo already gave large incentives to Capcom for putting MH Tri on the Wii. Helping them to make the series more popular in the West by marketing and publishing it. This is why Tri isn't getting ported to a non-Nintendo platform. It's obvious that Nintendo is still greatly interested in MH and based on the background of Tri, what is there to suggest that Nintendo didn't pay Capcom in one form or another for MH4?

Also, the Monster Hunter franchise on the whole was completely absent from Sony's recently released list of Vita games that are in development, even though previously it was pretty much expected that it would get at least an upgraded version of MH Portable 3rd as fast as possible.

How is it common sense? Nintendo rarely ever pays for exclusive content or games.

What is common sense is that Capcom and Nintendo have worked very closely in the past. Nintendo even liscensed Zelda to Capcom which shows that the two companies have a very good relationship. MH3 sold very well on Wii and the 3DS port was not a suprise at all. Infact given the fact that Capcom has released and announced so many titles for 3DS they have alot of faith in Nintendo. Do you honestly believe Nintendo has been paying Capcom for all these exclusives?

Its not common sense for Nintendo to pay for alot of content. If they were doing so then they would announce it like they did with RE4 back in the day. Now is Nintendo giving Capcom incentives to launch the game on 3DS? Yes I'm sure that they are, publishing the games in North America is a very big deal. It is helping the brand grow alot bigger in North America and Europe then Capcom was capable of themselves. Nintendo probably also involved Capcom in the development of the new peripheral, but do note that 6 games were announced for that peripheral so it wasn't a favor from Nintendo to Capcom it was a smart decision made to appease developers.

There is no reason to believe that Capcom has been paid in any way. Remember Viewtiful Joe and other GameCube exclusives released by Capcom, those games weren't released exclusive for GCN because Nintendo paid large sums of money. Capcom has always been a genuine supporter of Nintendo. I think there support of 3DS has been showing loyalty to Nintendo.

Also I don't consider MH3G to be a test. I honestly think Capcom expects it to sell very very well. I think however if it fails to sell as well as they planned and their investors continue to try and stop MH4. Then despite Capcom's relationship with Nintendo they will make a business decision based on their best interests. Of course Nintendo may then step in and invest money in MH4 and keep Capcom from cancelling it.

However there is an undeniable fact that Capcom could cancel MH4 if they wanted too. Games way further along the development cycle have been cancelled. Heck even Assasins Creed which according to UbiSoft staff at PAX was nearing completion got cancelled. That from UbiSoft Nintendo's biggest western third party supporter.

If Assasins Creed can get cancelled last minute then MH4 can no problem. Though I must agree I think Nintendo will go to extreme lengths to ensure MH4 comes to 3DS. But that doesn't mean it will!


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