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What is said to have happened is perfectly viable scientifically.

Anyone who says otherwise.... probably doesn't know that much about the science.

That's about it. The vast vast majority structural engineers support the official story.

Exactly what benefit would hundreds upon hundreds of structural engineers have for lying?


Again, the links here already disporve a lot of skeptic claims and there are plenty more links that debunk the rest.

Probably has everything you'll need.  Assuming you care about the truth, and not about what you want to believe.

I'll put it this way.  The Zeitgeist guy no longer believes 9/11 was caused by the US government.


When given 3 conspiracy theroies....    1) Every religion was exactly the same and came from one religion, even though there is about zero way tons of these cultures could of met.

2) 9/11 is a conspiracy by the goverment.

3) The world is controlled by international bankers (jews) who are slowly moving the world to one world order where everyone will be brainchiped.

The 9/11 conspiracy is the one he considers too outlandish.


I mean... outside that... what was the point of a 9/11 conspiracy?  To invade Iraq so the vast majority of their Oil and Natural Resources deals could go to China?