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d21lewis said:
I remeber back in '99 when I was totally satisfied with my PS1. Sega's new console was on the horizon and I automatically hated it.
"Look at all of those amazing looking games! I bet they play like shit."
"I'll just stick with my PS1. Why would I buy a new system when I already have Tony Hawk, Spiderman, Soul Reaver, etc. for less money"
"Oh, those GD Roms scratch easily? Too bad, losers!"
"The PS2 is going to CRUSH Sega!"

Well, the time came when the PS2 hit the market. I sent my friend that worked at Wal-Mart to grab me a console and SSX. He came back with SSX. For weeks, I tried and tried to get a PS2 but I failed. My GF's nephew managed to get a PS2 but the fan didn't work. It always cut off by the time we got to the first round of Tekken Tag Tournament. He wound up sending it to Sony for repairs. Still, he had one and I didn't. I hated him for it.

After a while, I got fed up with coming home empty handed from Target, Best Buy, Gamestop, etc. They were taking orders for PS2's and we could order them in January and MAYBE we would have one in March or April. Fuck that shit! I got myself a Dreamcast! I grabbed Sonic Adventure first, I think. It was pretty good. Before the weekend was over, I had grabbed Soul Calibur and Zombie Revenge for $9 each. Within a week, I had Jet Grind Radio, Shenmue, Maken X, and Crazy Taxi. I was having the time of my life and all of these games looked/played so good for such a low price! "Look at Shenmue! Every drawer in the house could be opened. You can see the lines in people's hands, they're so detailed!" "Look at Soul Calibur! You can see Ivy's booty meat jiggle!"

About a week after, Sega announced that they were killing the Dreamcast.

Still, for the short time it was supported, I was in video game heaven. I promise you that I had more fun with my Dreamcast and the games available than any PS2 owner had with their available games. I even got my own PS2 with Zone of Enders and The Bouncer a few months later. A week or so later, it was right back to the Dreamcast! It was my first Sega console and opened the door for me to start liking games just because they were good instead of because they were on my favorite console.

I gave my Dreamcast away to my little sister last month. Since then, she's pwned me in Virtua Tennis a couple of times and I've demolished her in Crazy Taxi. Dreamcast, you're gone but not forgotten.

Me too, I had more fun with the Dreamcast in the short time I had it, than I ever did with the over hyped and over rated PS2....