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sales2099 said:
Guess its Sony calling in favours from the PS1 and PS2 days lol.

But it is confusing.......PSP software sales outside mega franchises sell like absolute garbage......and yet here we are now with massive 3rd party Vita support.

Developers will learn eventually....the hard way. Sony dug its own grave by missing a NA and Europe holiday release.

After the holidays, people will notice the obvious hardware gap between the Vita and the 3DS, Vita will launch in NA/Europe in a NON HOLIDAY month, leading to less then proper opening sales of software. The price gap will show, at least I think, which will lead to a 3DS like drop in hardware sales post launch.

Vita would have had a chance if it launched globally this holiday, but the point is after it launches and given all the factors, developers will switch back to the 3DS.

Of course.  Because everyone knows that the only time a system sells is during its launch window.  *facepalm*