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BenVTrigger said:
@ M.U.G.E.N.

I freak if its something anti-MS? Give me a break dude. How about how MS has had a pretty pitiful 1st party lineup up this year? How about the fact I platinumed KZ3 this year and purchased LBP2 (which I'm 4 trophies away from platinuming) on day 1, and Infamous 2 on day 1. How about the fact that I've straight said quality wise so far this year is all Sony. How about the fact that I thoroughly believe that God of War 3 is easily one of the greatest games of this entire generation. How about the fact that if you look at my game library and see how I rate Sony exclusives they are almost all rated VERY high. How about the fact I've said KZ3, LBP2, and Infamous 2 are all in my GOTY candidates. How about the fact I'm about to buy God of War Origins on day 1 later today.

This has nothing to do with MS vs Sony. If this thread had been called " Why do 3rd parties favor MS" I would have come in and said the exact same thing only defending Sony. I have no console allegiance. I really couldn't give a damn who makes the box I stick a disc in. Do I prefer my 360? Sure for various reasons but I still think my PS3 is dope as hell, and I give their 1st party vastly superior marks than MS. In fact the only 1st party MS game I truely care and love is Halo. Gears is Epic not even MS 1st party.

At the end of the day its not my opinion that 3rd parties don't favor Sony. Its a fact. 3rd parties favor 1 thing and 1 thing alone and thats cold hard cash. That's why almost universally ever single publisher / developer is multi-plat even those that used to be "loyal" to a console like Insomniac with Sony and Bungie with the 360. YOU guys are the ones bringing console loyalties into this, not me and the 3rd parties.

the way you responded to my post should answer most of what you just said so I won't bother.

simple fact here, the act of money hatting does not prove or disapprove of a dev showing 'favor' ..since even those who might do so will be swayed if the price is right..this is a business after all. simple logic really. I'm saying what you said does not matter or make a difference to the overall topic of the thread, my comment was never about MS or how others don't do it or anything like that. at least take a moment before replying next time, you came off as paranoid (missed the point of my comment/question completely), condescending (with the you guys on the internet bit..) and silly (you are also one)

for the record I'm not agreeing or otherwise with the OP, it's a useless argument anyways imho. some devs show favortism others don't and both sides will bow infront of money. end of story

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