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oh boy, Moneyhatting and making, that is something that Ninty sucks at and what the other two mastered from day one. Ninty were asses when they were on top in the NESNES days. Its no wonder they jumped to Sony when they had their machine not to mention that the system was just easier to make games for. GC got plenty of support, i wish people would stop acting like it didnt, much better than Wii, unless you count having 20 fake WiiSports games and a dozen dancing games as better support. Atari and Majesco?? People didnt buy those games because for the most part they sucked. Petz?? they made like 3 games and then they stopped, while DS had like 9, thats nothing to be proud of anyway. People who have PSP are not buying some kiddy crap and yes that what that series is. Tells alot about the DS audience. AC had one damn game on PSP and 2 on DS. What about COD, the one COD on PSP outsold any of the DS ones?? So by your logic they should stop making DS versions and make more PSP ones or Vita. Rayman?? That game flopped on 3DS and im glad it did, it was a lazy port with bugs. What 3rd party game sold more than a mil on 3DS?? and dont say SSF4 with Capcom's BS shipped numbers.

This OP comes across as a bit jealous. Ninty sucks at getting 3rd party support, Sony and MS are MUCH better, its that easy. Knowing this, you have two options. 1 stop crying and enjoy the games Ninty consoles get, i know i do 2 stop crying and buy a Non Ninty product since you know they are getting better support.