Just.. Wow!
It's a crying shame there will only be one Zelda using this engine on Wii...
also, I am not a fan of TP's fetch quests, but it seems they have mixed it around a bit, adding strategy elements. Plus I'd end up playing them just in order to spend more time in this beautiful world!
2nd (harder) play-through and boss mode are a very welcome addition, especially boss mode, which was something I wanted to have in TP. I wonder if they'll also let you jump straight into the mini-games after you complete them.
You can definitely see the monster hunter inspiration in some of the boss battles and Skyloft's design, and I love the fact that they borrowed some of the more creative items from Minish Cap, not to mention adding the whip, which I hope is a perfect fit for motion-plus. A new nemesis is also a VERY welcome addition.
This game feels like MH meets Avatar meets almost every Zelda game ever made! There are even hints of Link's Awakening, not to mention the obvious MC, TP, OoT, LttP, WW and PH references!
Fuck Yeah!
The only really big shame is that it took this long to have a killer-app for motion plus... I hope it sees continued support from Nintendo during the next gen.
regarding the length, I'd much prefer a shorter game that is packed with interesting things to do, making a replay every few years worthwhile, to an overly stretched artificial experience that becomes tedious by the end.
Only question left: should I get the bundle or not?
Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!
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mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?
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